
Friday, May 21, 2010

Update on my life

Hi everyone,

I'm not such an multitasker. Its a pitty cause I've got too less time to do everything in my life, hehe. But its a fact, I'm not an multitasker.
So lets give you an update about my life and the reason I didn't post anything here the last days.

I'm very busy with my endwork for University... Hopefully I'm graduating in June! The last days I was very busy with writing the last chapters of my endwork (which is already 114 pages long, yay! ) So you can say I'm almost 24/7 busy with that! Normally today is my last day working on it, and it makes me happy! After a year of hard working... finally the end! =)
And next to that I'm going to my Stage Makeup classes once a week.
So thats about it in my life lately.

Tuesday I'll have to go to University for my endwork and then I'm going to Portugal! Yaay!!! I hope that I can update you all about Portugal and when I'm back at home, I'm back with beauty posts again...


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on graduating soon and good luck in Portugal. You're lucky you get to travel a lot:) - Ree
