
Monday, July 5, 2010

To much to do, to less time!

To Do lists, I make them everytime! I love them!
What about you guys? Do you make to do lists?
Its so handy to remember all the things you still need to do!
And its so nice to scrap the things you've done!

I started making to do lists when I studied at the university, and now I cant live without them!

My To Do list for the moment:
- Learn French on my own
- Start jogging & Zumba & eat healthy
- Editing photo's from Portugal
- Make my photobooks from Roemeniƫ, Portugal, Madrid, Praha and Marocco.
- Go to Paris & London
- Make some dresses
- knit a sharf
- Make a nice Make Up Room / Photostudio
- Editing my room
- Learn more about photography
- Draw make up designs
- Finish and upload my Website (with my webdesigner!)
- Follow Singing lessons
- Finishing the book 'The Hobbit'
- Watching 'Dexter'
- ....

I think I'll keep this up to date, so this will change from now and then (hopefully =p )



  1. haha!!
    that is a good list usually is about things i want to buy next...its an expensive hobby of mine..

  2. TO-DO lists! SHOES! ...aaaaah, two of my favorite things! ^^

    We'll be almost finished working on TRISYHA her website this week.
    It will be online very soon, so keep checking this blog for updates!

