
Friday, December 3, 2010


In the winter, hands are more dry, so you need a good handcream to keep them good. This is the first year I really have so much trouble with dryness of my hands. And I really dont like that feeling! So I started to look out for some good handcreams.
I found two very good cremes for the dryness.

1. Handcream of L' Occitane
    This is a really good handcream, with karité butter. It give your hands softness and it works immediately!
You can buy it in a small or a big tube. The small ones are very handy to take with you in your purse. The packaging is very beautiful too. Its like a tube of paint.

2. Handcreme of Herome
    This one I got already a long time. Its also a very good handcream and it helps immediately.

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